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Frequently asked questions

PairPEO is your professional ally in the PEO (Professional Employer Organization) industry. We specialize in assisting companies in shopping, comparing, and negotiating with PEOs to find the best fit for their HR needs. We are advocates for our clients, providing guidance and expertise to ensure you make informed decisions about your PEO partnerships.
No, PairPEO does not provide PEO services directly. We are not a PEO, nor are we in competition with any PEOs or HR outsourcing firms. Our role is to act as an intermediary, leveraging our knowledge and relationships within the industry to help our clients navigate the PEO market.
Our services are provided at no cost to you. They are completely free.
The business model is based on a partnership with PEOs. When we successfully match a client with a PEO and a contract is signed, the PEO pays PairPEO a commission for creating the relationship. This payment structure allows us to offer our consulting and negotiation services to our clients at no charge.
Yes, costs associated with PEO services typically vary from year to year. An average increase of about 8-10% per year can be expected, considering medical premiums, administrative fees, and workers’ compensation rates (industry standard). However, we shop the industry annually to ensure their potential increases outperform industry averages. It’s not uncommon for clients to have cost reductions if they’ve had significant employee growth.
Not necessarily. While shopping around can often lead to reduced costs, many of our clients have successfully renegotiated terms within their existing PEO relationship. We work with your current PEO to try to reduce costs where possible without the need to transition to a new PEO. Our aim is to ensure you receive the best value, whether that’s with your current PEO or a new one.
The simple answer is that it saves you money. When shopping directly, PEOs compete against your current expenses. When working through PairPEO, the PEO industry competes against each other, which significantly reduces the pricing across all contenders.
Most PEO relationships are month-to-month, and you have the opportunity to exit at your discretion. If you are with a PEO that renews outside of the calendar year, it often makes significantly more sense to shop the market outside of your annual renewal increase.